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Is provision for doubtful debt an expense or a liability? - Impertic

First we might need to separate between a cost and responsibility. Then, at that point, we will hit on arrangement for suspicious obligation.

A cost is likewise an obligation yet which is solidified and met. Say installment of power charge, installment for writing material and so forth The cost head is charged to benefit and misfortune account. On the off chance that, installment of cost isn't made, then, at that point, additionally cost is charged to P&L account, yet in asset report exceptional responsibility is made. What's more in next monetary year, installment is made charging to remarkable responsibility account as it were.
Is provision for doubtful debt an expense or a liability?

In the event of provisiong of obligation, the risk isn't crystalised yet from benefits, an arrangement/hold is made for explicit reason so that if there should arise an occurrence of an obligation turning out to be terrible, the benefits of business specifically financialbyear may not get unjustifiable impacted and awful obligations are chrged from arrangement/save account. Thus, provisioning isn't a responsibility however keeping to the side a piece of benefits to meet awful obligations. Furthermore thus save for terrible obligation part is charged to benefit and misfortune account, yet as responsibility isn't yet crystalised, it is displayed in Balance sheet as hold and in the event of awful obligations occuring a similar will be charged to save account and not to benefit and misfortune account.


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